Good News Day

for good

Good News Day


Society is used to the negative news climate. The scientific research has revealed, that the negative news given in a positive manner has a damaging effect on children, enables them understand the anger and rage as a new norm of life. Through repeatedly given such messages children start copying and applying such behavior among their peers.

The project also was nominated on RsV agencies awards and won a 3rd place in the category “No budget”. For more read here.

The Project

The project was set in several stages: 1) Research and Analysis; 2) inviting Ambassadors; 3) Execution

  1. Research and analysis phase started with my PhD thesis and findings from the literature on how big has the media influence over the behavior pattern among children. With the climate of violence and constant communication of it through the media, it was obvious we are on the downturn of increasing violence over time. In addition the partner GFK research company agreed to support our project in performing analysis of the media over the several years, which in addition supported the negative dynamics of communication messages in media. With this evidence we have built the strong argumentation why we need such project.

  2. In order to get a higher public visibility and acceptance we have invited stars of education, children psychology and other well known people to get their word over the project. Full list of ambassadors can be seen here.


3. The execution phase had several parts as well. On one side we initiated discussion on the Parliament to deliver the project through the Committees and actually change the legal act of memorable days by including Good News Day in the list. On the other side full PR campaign had been launched by support of our media partners and social pages.


The Team

The project became available only by the team work of the Foundation and Ad Verum PR agency.

This allowed to get visibility in media and in the heart of society.

Official website


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